Simple. Easy. Wins.
These three words may hold the key to getting parents engaged with your children's or student ministry.
These three words may hold the key to getting parents engaged with your children's or student ministry.
When engaging parents are we attributing the same level of creativity that we put into our retreats, VBS', and weekly services?
One of the things our pastor talks about is how intimacy is built with unhurried time and unhurried conversation together.
There were episodes when we invested so much into ministry and our children that we'd look at each other at night and say, "Wait, you look vaguely familiar to me."
We want our kids to have a thriving, authentic relationship with Jesus. Not just outward behavior that is compliant when we're around.
I'm not saying that good behavior is bad. I'm just saying the allure of it is so intense, that we sometimes substitute good behavior for authentic faith.
Today, I'm going to talk about being a healthy spiritual family. Not a perfect family, but a family who learns every day to be a little more like Jesus.
God's design for faith replication is through the context of family. Faith communities can serve families well by supporting and equipping them as primary.
Spiritual Parenting has given us the words to articulate to our children what we are hoping for them, and from them, in their relationship with Christ.